The United Nations has published its annual report on drug use in the world, offering within this an interesting map showing the distribution of marijuana use in the world: what are the countries where ganja is smoked?
The United Nations has just published its report on drug use in the world, which takes into account data collected between 2010 and 2011. Thus, the UN reports:
An estimated 230 million people, or 5% of the world's adult people, consumed an illicit drug at least once in 2010. The problem drug totaling about 27 million, or 0.6% of the adult population worldwide. In general illicit drug use appears to have stabilized around the world, although it continues to rise in many developing countries. Heroin, cocaine and other drugs claim the lives of about 0.2 million people every year, sow devastation in families and cause suffering to thousands of others. Illicit drugs undermine the economic and social development and foster crime, instability, insecurity and the spread of HIV.
Also, among other indicators that are relevant, the UN produced a map that shows the distribution of consumption of a specific drug: marijuana. Same as here share:
Also, among other indicators that are relevant, the UN produced a map that shows the distribution of consumption of a specific drug: marijuana. Same as here share:
As seen, industrialized countries are more developed. Particularly noteworthy are the cases of the United States and Australia, the first and the most important and insatiable market for Mexican and Colombian traffickers, the second to be the most promising country to which they are facing criminal organizations.
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