The street artist Banksy announced that during the month of October would an internship in New York City, attacking the city streets as if he had been invited to an artist residency, and does not disappoint. The artist pays his internship with their own means and titled Better out than in as protest art that lies in galleries and museums.
He have come to pay almost 200,000 euros for a Banksy work, to which he claims that "commercial success is a failure for a graffiti". With his internship the artist intends to take his art galleries and return it to the street
Shelyla is addicted to her breasts, lives for them. she has operated on 22 occasions and has already spent more than 200,000 euros in interventions. 155 wearing a size triple K and confesses that if she dies by her breasts, die happy.
This 32 year-old resident of Houston. she weigh more than 6 kilos and has even removed ribs. This over weight, it causes back pain but Sheyla any sacrifice in this topic is little overall wear this figure. Lives in love with herself, of her voluminous breasts.
Thrisa, is an American girl who has an addiction very dangerous to health. Sunbed tans with once a day at least since age 13.
Her obsession with being perfect, being dark and handsome goes so far and is even putting his life in danger. She does not care the risk of skin cancer. she spends a minimum of $ 700 a month and sometimes not even to eat or pay the rent of his house.
Josh, all addicted to eating glass, over 300 bulbs have been eaten already and a lot of bottles of wine. The amazing thing is that it also eats bullets.
Carrie is addicted to his own urine and drink it like a beer drinking contest. This American based in Colorado, 53, of drinking 5 cups a day of his own urine, about 2300 cubic centimeters and has been for about four years. Not only are the drinks, also used as the toothpaste, puts it in your face or hair. This addiction is causing kidney failure, infections and dehydration.
Jazz takes 22 years without cutting the nails, him love watching them grow and lives for their nails. Nails have about 60 cm long. This prevents you from performing tasks as normal and common for the rest of us, such as tying shoes, put on clothes or go shopping. You must be alert to prevent breakage. It is an obsession, a strange addiction.
Teresa is addicted to eat stones, granite loves and comes to eating half a kilo of stone a day. She has over 20 years with this addiction, 365 kilos on average per year has accumulated in your stomach which is causing serious health problems. she love the smell, taste and texture.